2014 - 2017
Credo Bonum Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
Audio installation,11'16'' ::: Sound installation - plywood flat box, buzzer, metal containers, ping-pong balls ::: Video installation - color - 09'02'' ::: SD video - black and white - 16'40''

“One morning you wake up and realize that you cannot see the sun anymore, all objects start crashing into you and the whole world is against you.”
Svetoslav Cvetkov
The project concerns the subject of the sightless people and the way they perceive the world. The Positive idea is with the help of contemporary artistic means to reveal the real essence of this group of people (the sightless). Their straightforwardness and spontaneity, their positive features, experience and unique abilities.
The artistic components are planned so that the visually impaired themselves take part in their creation. As a result three audio – visual portraits in different format and a sound installation have been made.
The project:
Concerns the issue of sightless people.
Searches for a connection between the quantum theory and the way that the sightless perceive the world.
Represents the problems of this group of people by means of contemporary art.
Generates a dialog between our society and the world of the blind.
Gives visually impaired people the opportunity to participate in the creation of the different artistic components.
Points out echolocation as a unique means of orientation for the sightless in the environment.
Draws a parallel between people born blind and ones who lost their eyesight subsequently.
The exhibition Positive shows the world through the "eyes" of sightless people. Diana Boneva reveals close up the life of three of the participants in the project. They tell about their feelings and their dreams. The different means that the artist has used, put her characters in the position of active participants in the creation of the works. They introduce the audience into their specific sensory world, which reveals their life as charged with positive energy, skills and experience.
Vessela Nozarova