A pill against forgetting
1th International Biennial of Casablanca. Morocco
Video installation, color, 03'26'' ::: acrylic box ::: sheets of paper ::: pen

Memory is the ability of the brain to receive, process and keep certain quantity of information, which can be reproduced and used in the future. It preserves and updates universal human experience. Memory stores images, thoughts and emotions. It has the task to keep unchanged the experiences of one’s life as well as one’s hereditary experience.
Different kinds of memory exist. They are kept in different cerebral centers, but yet there are people who often forget even important things. Why does it happen? One of the answers is unhelpful memory, which of course can be trained. If there are no serious reasons, psychologists usually indicate stress as one of the main factors, especially among youngsters.
As time goes by people invent different strategies for memorizing information. Everybody uses their own way to make connections between different kinds of information and to match them. The more varied the strategies, the better the memory functions.
For the realization of this project I have chosen one method that helps to refresh memory. It is based on repeating information in many different ways – loudly and quietly, slowly and fast, with unusual accents, with the help of musical instruments. The method demonstrates that information presented in a funny, strange, shocking or interactive way is very likely to be memorized for a long period of time.
« A pill against forgetting » is a kind of experiment in which the viewers also may take part.
Why < A pill against forgetting >
Generally, artists are quite easily distracted. They are constantly impressed by new things and quickly forget others. On the other hand, the age we live in floods us with huge amounts of information every single second. Living in such a dynamic and rapidly changing environment leads to stress and overload, which also influences on the way we remember. And memory is one of the means that keeps our personality and society intact.